New To Kayaking? How To Fish & Kayak At The Same Time
If you want to fish by yourself, kayaks are a great way to do so. Kayaks are small enough for an individual to manipulate and manage on their own on a lake or river while fishing. Fishing can easily be done from a kayak if you know how to do it. Here are the basics of fishing and kayaking at the same time.
Reeling In A Fish
Reeling in a fish is a little different in a kayak than reeling in a fish when you are on a boat or fishing from the edge of the shore. In either of those situations, you can brace your body and use your leg strength, as well as your arm strength, to pull in the fish.
However, inside of your kayak you are not going to be able to rely on your leg strength to real in a large fish, you are going to need to rely on your technique more than your body strength. Before you go fishing, make sure that you have lots of line on your reel.
This will allow you to move with the fish and will help ensure that the fish doesn't pull you around the water. When you cast the line into to the water when you go fishing, make sure that the line has some give to it and is not tight. By providing a little give in the line, you will have some time to react quickly and start reeling in the fish as soon as you feel it on your line. If your line is too tight, you will not have as much time to react.
You are also going to want to use use the appropriate line strength. If you are trying to catch a fish that is under five pounds, use a line that is a few pounds heavier. If you are trying to catch fish that are at least twenty pounds, you are going to want to use a line that is just as heavy.
Using the right type of line and the right technique will make it easier for you to pull in a fish with your kayak.
Stowing The Fish
Once you have caught a fish, you are going to need to store the fish inside of your kayak until you get back to land. You are going to need to make sure that you have the right supplies on your kayak for storing the type of fish that you are trying to catch.
If you are trying to catch small fish, all you need is a really small cooler that is loaded up with some ice. If you are going to trying to catch more medium-sized fish, you are going to want to bring either a medium-sized cooler with you or a bag of ice that you can put the fish inside. If you are going after large fish, you'll want to have netting to wrap the fish up in and then you'll want to tie them down onto the deck of your kayak and put some ice over them.
You can go fishing in your kayak; just start with trying to catch and reel in small fish until you get the hang of it, then work your way up to catching larger fish as you master the necessary techniques of kayak fishing. For more information, contact local professionals like Rocky Mountain Recreation Of Utah Inc.